SEG (Swiss Education Group), Switzerland
Teaching language: English
Schools and their specialization:
- hospitality industry.
- Tourism.
- Entrepreneurship.
- Culinary art.
- Entrepreneurship.
- Swiss hospitality
- American business management.
- hospitality
- Food and drink
- Events
- Resort complex and health tourism.
Speech by the speaker of the Swiss Education Group – a participant of the online fair – in October 2021 ↓
Why study in Switzerland?
♥ Heart of Europe
Tourism, hospitality and service are very important economic activities in Switzerland. The transport and tourist infrastructure is one of the best in the world and allows you to comfortably travel around the country. Major Swiss cities are within an hour to three hour journey by train, car or sea. The location in the center of Europe gives you the opportunity to easily visit other European cities such as Paris, London and Milan.
♥ Swiss quality of life
Switzerland is an extremely safe country with a high standard of living. It is famous not only for chocolate, cheese, private banking and luxury
hours, but also natural beauty, cultural and linguistic diversity, and a Swiss reputation for excellence and professionalism.
♥ Home of the hospitality industry
Switzerland’s reputation as the birthplace of hospitality dates back 100 years, when the first palace-style hotels were built. Today, these traditions continue and Swiss graduates are highly regarded for their ability to function and manage in the competitive international hospitality environment.
Doubt your choice?
Sign up for a free consultation – find out where and how you can get a higher education.
Speech by the speaker of DRAW PLANET – participant of the online fair – in October 2021 ↓